asfalto con caucho

Become a CIRTEC Distributor

CIRTEC is seeking companies to join its project as country or region distributors with an in-depth knowledge of the asphalt industry, with commercial capabilities and, above all, with a genuine commitment to making sustainability work.


Extensive track record in the manufacture of bitumen-rubber on site, and global leader in the manufacture of RARx pre-digested additives for their use through the semi-wet process and for asphalts.


Performance and preparation of tests, as well as working arrangements, dosages, commissioning work, quality control, etc. Execution of specifications, price tables, budgets… in connection with bitumen and asphalt mixes with rubber.


Technological products and solutions for road works. Manufacture and supply of any type of bitumen-rubber and our RARx additive.Find out more »


Professionals with extensive knowledge of asphalt mixes with rubber will help you define the best solution for each case.

Quality Certificates


CIRTEC has a Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015


CIRTEC has an Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015


CIRTEC has the CE Certificate giving conformity to the factory production control

Our Values

Look after the environment and a circular economy

Technical Quality

Customer service


Improving the quality of people’s lives

Look after the environment and a circular economy:  The purpose of our company is exclusively based on solutions aimed at the reuse of waste and a circular economy, in order to help improve the environment.
Technical Quality: All of our road work solutions are developed with the utmost respect for technical and quality considerations, seeking the best solution for each project.
Customer service: Customer service and deadline and project compliance is our main objective.
Innovation: Present-day society moves very fast, and the only way we can meet the demands of this evolution is to provide innovative solutions constantly.
Improving the quality of people’s lives: At CIRTEC we seek solutions that increase the quality of life of the people; such as the reduction of the noise level in cities and road safety.

Recent News

asfaltos sostenibles en Aragón

Éxito en las ‘Jornadas 2024 sobre Mezclas Asfálticas Sostenibles’

Cirtec promueve los asfaltos sostenibles en Aragón con las ‘Jornadas 2024 sobre Mezclas Asfálticas Sostenibles’ que reunieron a destacadas personalidades y expertos del sector para abordar los avances y desafíos en la implementación de tecnologías sostenibles en la red de carreteras de la región. Una de las presentaciones destacadas fue la ponencia de Mezclas Asfálticas Modificadas…
