CIRTEC is committed to innovation as the only way to generate real technology solutions on the road.
Research, Development and Innovation
Ongoing Projects
RDI Project: European Project “Silent Rubber Pave”
This Project has been funded by the European Union, and has enabled the worldwide industrialization of the additive with tyre powder for asphalt mixes RARx.
This is a currently running project executed by Composan Industrial y Tecnología, Valoriza Medioambiente, Consulpav, Sacyr and FHL Group.
RDI Project: Development of a new industrial additive based on the use of tyre powder for bituminous binders through a ”semi-wet” process.
The project “Development of a new industrial additive based on the use of tyre powder for bituminous binders through a semi-wet process”, file number IDI-20161106, has been funded by the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI, “Center for Industrial Technological Development”) and cofunded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, European Regional Development Fund) through the Multiregional Operational Programme for Smart Growth.
This is a currently running project executed by Valoriza Medioambiente
Completed Projects
RDI Project: Development on additivated bituminous surfaces from a comprehensive perspective (safety – efficiency – comfort).
The project “Development on additivated bituminous surfaces from a comprehensive perspective”, file number IDI-20150193, has been funded by the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI, “Center for Industrial Technological Development”) and cofunded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, European Regional Development Fund) through the Multiregional Operational Programme for Smart Growth.
Project completed and developed by Valoriza Medioambiente
Collaborating Universities and Technology Centers
CIRTEC’s team not only has the best professionals with the highest qualifications in asphalt with tyre powder, but also works in cooperation with the best technology centers and universities to further develop the best road work solutions and products.